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Agile dev West, Las Vegas

Agile + DevOps West brings together practitioners seeking to accelerate the delivery of reliable, secure software applications. Find out how the practice of agile & DevOps brings cross-functional stakeholders together to deliver software with greater speed and agility while meeting quality and security demands. Learn from industry experts how your organization can leverage agile and DevOps concepts to improve deployment frequency and time to market, reduce lead time, and more successfully deliver stable new features.

Agile and DevOps Leadership
Agile Engineering Practices
Agile Testing and Automation
Building Agile and DevOps Cultures
Continuous Integration
Continuous Delivery/Deployment
Scaling Agile and DevOps Capabilities
Digital Transformation
Agile and DevOps Certification Training0


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I det fall konferensen är utanför Sverige ska VAT nummer ibland anges och detta är 556614-3185
Omegapoints adress är
Regeringsgatan 56
Box 3106
103 62 Stockholm

Skärmavbild 2019-12-10 kl. 09.45.42.png
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4 juni

Agila Sverige, Stockholm

1 augusti

Black hat + DefCon, Las Vegas